I have noticed bogging exiting slow 180s that I did not downshift to 1st gear. The motor just doesn't
pull hard from real low RPMs. Problem is that if you do downshift to 1st gear, your car is loaded up on
one side exiting the turn, so now, with high RPMs and torque, you spin the inside front wheel trying
to accelerate. Bit of a Catch-22.
Ditto. I finally figured this out on my 3rd run at my last event, and shaved 2 or 3 seconds off my best of the day. Still sucked, but the lesson was obvious. Sometimes, you just have to downshift. Later, other drivers were saying the same thing, that on that course on that day, it seemed the more they shifted the faster they went.

Even with my rough, ham-fisted shifting, the improvement was significant.

"Function before fashion."

'96 Contour SE