Now I'm assuming that we're not going to have people running on street tires competing with those of us on race rubber. I'm also thinking that those with the LSD shoud not be in the same class as those without. Same for lowered suspensions.

I wanted to get a dialogue going about what classes/rules we are going to have.

I propose classes. But I'm not sure where to put the LSD. But it's a start for discussion I would think.

1. Basically stock
2. Race rubber basically stock
3. Suspension lowered etc etc. Race rubber
4. Supercharged/larger displacement Race Rubber

Then again this could be academic as everything is already decided. I hope not, as I'd like to think we have some influence on the process.

What do you guys think?

Dave Andrews
Black&Tan 2000 SVT 225 of 2150
Bassani.. UNCORKED
"Nothing is so firmly believed as what we least know." -Montaigne