The T1 line on which we are hosted (Matt's) is in the process of being deprovisioned, so this as good a time as ever.

I have decided to shut down.

At least for a while anyway. The forums for the last few months have deteriorated into squabbling, insults, bickering and general chaos. The technical discussions are mainly rehashes, with little or no new information being shared. The main section of the site seems to be regularly ignored even though this is where most of the really good information is.

If/when the site goes back up, the forums will likely not return. If they do, they will be seriously scaled back to encourage the sharing of pertinent information. I know many of you enjoy the other aspects of the forums, but it was never my intent to create a grand, online social experiment. The forums today appear mainly as that: social. When off-topic discussions consume a majority of the traffic, it is hard for me to justify the amount of time, energy and abuse I have to put up with.

Many of you will be bitterly disappointed, but after five years of putting up with a frequently unappreciative online community, I'm done with it. I may change my mind after a break, but we will see.

I intend to put around 80% of the main site back up, but I don't know when. It depends on hosting or how much my DSL line will handle.

Comments are welcome, of course.


There is an effort underway to save the site.


Lance Kinley
CEG Webmaster
95SE, "Official CEG Beater"
Quaife, SVT parts, ST200 wheels, SS Y-pipe
I perceive you to be a stand-up, rational individual...