If Matt's Cordless Dremel's Fail I have one with a cord. Just got it the other day so I am slacking a little in the attachment field. I am getting the rear-sway, side markers and plugs today. But will prolly install (at least the sway and plugs) soon. I am one of those that just can't leave it in the box laugh

I will be able to help/install on the 29th. Sounds like we will have lots of work going on. Matt: is there enough room to do all the installs???

Married the gal of my dreams 04.27.02 smile
2K SVT Black/Midnight Blue
#294 of 2150
DOB 10.29.99
ktigerj on aim
A *few* Mods
Best Time 14.942 at 93.98mph
Car is now for sale - 14000