Originally posted by Pre98:
Originally posted by supertouringmike:
Originally posted by Pre98:
I'd rather die in a plane for what my country stands for.

And what exactly what is that these days?????????

Would you prefer to live in Soviet Russia? It's not perfect, but better than what else is out there..

well for one there is no more Soviet Russia.

And as for the message they gave, attacks on infidels to be considered legitimate to the holy men who sanction them, people who plan on killing infidels have to first;
1) give the infidel a chance to accept mohummad and the koran and convert and
2) warn and tell the infidel he is about to be attacked.

Id say this is a pretty good warning that something is in the works. Osama gave one such message less than a year before 9/11 happened.

95 Merc Stique Zetec 2.0 Auto