Well there's more to it, as any break-up would have. I was mainly concerned with this part of it. He's changed the locks to the house(as I would do the same), but he won't allow her to pickup HER computer, and a bunch of other stuff that she couldn't get with her initial move. He's just being difficult, because she was the one that wanted out of the deadend relationship.

As for theie banking accounts, they decided to split the money that was in the checking account. She withdrew her portion, and then he wrote checks with what he had left. He knew that he could take his name off of the account, move the remaining funds into his personal checking, and leave those checks outstanding, to bounce and come back on her. He also transferred 100% of the savings account into his name, and isn't giving her any of it. That's another story though. She's just too passive/nice to go after him.


2000 Black CSVT 3.0L Hybrid - 206fwhp & 195fwtq