Anyone the wants to see it search for Lamborghini bbq on google, first or second link


"I want to point to an accident in Czech Republic. Here a crash with another Murcielago happened between the towns of Chomutov and Most on a straight but somewhat bumpy road. Still it is quite strange in my opinion if a 47-year old experienced racing driver loses control on a straight road and knowing about the road conditions in Czech Republic. Also strange is the fact that the accident happened just the same way as mine has happened and the car just veered off the right side of the road. 2 people lost their lives in this accident."

EDIT: More Info..
Czech news site
Model that died in passenger seat
guy that died

Apparently this happened fairly recently
If anyone can speak or understand Czech...

Last edited by "shotty driving"-ds; 09/02/06 08:24 PM.

1999 Mercury Mystique LS 3L Manual