Originally posted by Beowulf:
Or in my case, by the time I buy again, the performance holy grail will be back in the hands of AMD.

AMD has proven that they are a worthy competitor to Intel and frankly, AMD is the only thing keeping Intel honest.

Who builds the fastest processor of the moment has little to do with my buying choices as the shopping price range is typically near the bottom of the scale. I don't ever recally purchasing a machine or MB/CPU combo with the latest & greatest from either manufacturer. When it comes to older processors, AMD generally wholesales their stock at a much lower price point than Intel for comparable performance.

I love AMD for keeping in the game, for no other reason than they are helping to drive progress & innovation in the technology. Also gives poor bastids like myself opportunities to pick up a powerful machine for a relatively low dollar investment. I just wish somebody would give MS a realistic run for their money. So far Linux has been a dissappointment.

Must be that jumbly-wumbly thing happening again.