Originally posted by IRingTwyce:
Originally posted by D13:
Can't find any on search...

Did you change the date range to "all posts?" Make sure to search in multiple appropriate forums, i.e. general, common interests, etc. Also, don't forget to search the archives.

Try "general mods." Search "V8 Swap." Let us know.

To save you time, I'll give you the synopsis.

Newb: "Hey, anybody ever considared putting a v8 in a Contour?"

Search Nazis: "Search!"

Naysayers: "Yes, but it will never work! You're stupid for even thinking of it. You're even more stupid for thinking we haven't already thought of it."

Spelling Nazis: "You misspelled 'considered.'"

Purists: "Why would you want to? It won't really be a Contour when you're done. Why don't you just buy a Mustang?"

Newb: "Well, I took your advice and searched, and I've decided that I'm really going to do this! I will be the first, no matter the cost!"

Naysayers: "Yeah, right. Can somebody ban this troll?"

Optimists: "Hey, anything is possible for enough money and/or talent. You should see what those GRM challenge guys did with a CRX and a Corvette drivetrain for around $2,000!"

Realists: "Sure, dude, just show us pictures as you go."

Newb: <silence>

Any CEG'r (weeks later): "Hey, anybody heard from this guy?"

Function before fashion. '96 Contour SE "Toss the Contour into a corner, and it's as easy to catch as a softball thrown by a preschooler." -Edmunds, 1998