Originally posted by Toadster:
Originally posted by TourDeForce:
Originally posted by Toadster:
actually - i just priced out 2 top of the line HP desktops;

You haven't been paying attention. I don't buy top of the line. When AMD comes out with their next processor, they'll be top dog for a little while. Big deal. Maybe they'll never have the fastest processor ever again. Big deal. Top of the line means NOTHING to me.

so what are you buying/pricing exactly? does new technology mean anything? or are you just ok with whatever is cheap?

Sounds like to me that he wants one or two steps down from the latest and greatest. Nothing wrong with that. Last machine I built was 1-2 steps down from the top of the line... but then i volt moded and water cooled it so it rocked the top, but thats another story.

I'm building my own phase cooler right now =)