Originally posted by ancientsanskrit:
How aren't you expelled when you fail 6 of 12 classes????

That involves a very long explanation regarding the expectations at my college (failing two courses is common and practically expected), the degree of a failure (they don't go on your transcript) and the accelerated scheduling (7 week terms instead of 14 week semesters). I failed one class a term for three terms and snowflaked a term. (More info. ) Like I said before it involved a LOT of work to pull myself out of that hole, including regular meetings I set up with academic advising my soph year, and my financial aid was damaged badly (read: tons of loans), but since that time I had not failed a class or even done badly in a term. With the help of summer courses, overloading and working more hours a week, which helped me get scheduling together, I was able to graduate on time. Almost graduated with honors as well - only thing stopping me was one professor's screwing a project team over (gave us a bad grade due to circumstances that were his fault - though that's another long story in itself!)

The work was well worth it - I have now landed a great job, have my own apartment, and am strongly thinking of taking evening courses in pursuit of my MBA starting next year or so.