Originally posted by BP:
both bush's had a shot at obl. doesn't take an intel analyst to know that. yet it's mostly clinton's fault that action wasn't taken earlier. again the blame game has no winners.

And yet again you refuse to accept the fact that President Clinton was handed Osama on a silver platter, yet refused to act, even though it would have ultimately saved thousands of lives.


i never said we did nothing. i said none of the goals of the wot have been accomplished.

Mission Goals for the Iraqi Campaign:

1. End the regime of Saddam Hussein.
Check. No debate there...

2. Eliminate Iraq's weapons of mass destruction.
Surely we didn't find the "smoking gun" -- but we have managed to account for a small percentage of known WMD's. The rest are still listed as "missing", meaning they ARE out there someplace.

3. Capture or drive out terrorists.
Eliminated the Ansar al-Islam terror training camp along the border of Iran.

4. Collect intelligence on terrorist networks.
Interrogations with captured persons during the conflict has resulted in a treasure trove of information.

5. Collect intelligence on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction activity.
Captured the key players in Iraq's various weapons programs. Also aquired documents showing how Iraq was attempting to restart its various programs, and its strong desire to do so.

6. Secure Iraq's oil fields.
These have been under our control for quite some time now, although there have been constant attacks, we still manage to keep Iraq's primary income flowing.

7. Deliver humanitarian relief and end sanctions.

8. Help Iraq achieve representative self-government and insure its territorial integrity.

So again, NONE of our goals have been achieved? Of course, I assume you were talking about the WMD's, because that's the only mission objective anyone here seems to care about, but the fact remains that we've done quite a bit, even according to the original military plan.


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