Originally posted by BP:
both bush's had a shot at obl. doesn't take an intel analyst to know that. yet it's mostly clinton's fault that action wasn't taken earlier. again the blame game has no winners.

When Bush 41 was in office, OBL hadn't yet tried the first attempt at bringing down the WTC...that was the truck bombing there in '93, first year of the Clinton presidency. OBL may have been on the radar as a potential threat, but nothing on a par with Hussein at the time.

By the time Bush 43 landed in the office, OBL had hit the WTC in '93, Khobar Towers in '96, US embassies in '98, and the USS Cole in 2000. Bin Laden was on the FBI's 10 most wanted list, and was in hiding (something he surely learned to do more of after finding out that the US had tabs on him on and off through the 1990s).

It's probably a good thing you're not an intel analyst, because you really wouldn't be a very good one. It's pretty naive to say that both Bushes "had shots" at Osama when you're faced with historical evidence.

"Think of it, if you like, as a librarian with a G-string under the tweed." Clarkson on the Mondeo.