Originally posted by EternalOne:
Originally posted by BP:
you guys need to stop that. the terrorist blame game goes further back than clinton.

I want examples. I also want you to point out how these failures led to where we are today. I can lay out, point by point, what happened during the mid to late 90's under Clinton because I was there, and I saw the information first hand. I also know the exact information that was presented to the CiC in his daily briefs, and I also know what our internal and global assessments were at the time -- nowhere else in history has there been such a failure to act on solid intel.

Originally posted by BP:
that's not going to happen. the muslim community in general was moving towards a less conservative and less extremist position before 9/11 and iraq.

You must have been wearing blinders pre-9/11 then, like the rest of the world. I most certainly did NOT see this less-extremist model forming anywhere, except in countries that are still our allies to this day.

Originally posted by BP:
it will take a long time for things to get back to where they were pre-iraq and pre-9/11.

Finally, something you said MAKES SENSE for once. It sure will take them a much longer time to rebuild their arsenals, and retrain the hundreds of their soldiers we've taken out. Not to mention the fact that we've eliminated known training camps in 9 countries with the help of our allies, all since 9/11. (Bet you didn't know that figure, since it's not quoted in your ultra-liberal media outlets.)

As usual BP you place more blame on us.


if anyone watched the CNN special "in the footsteps of Bin Laden" youd have seen the actual memo that Bush Jr was given about terrosists planning to hijack and fly planes into federal buildings. That was shown to him a week or so before the attacks, Id say thats preetty solid intel.

as for everyone that says Clinton did nothing about terrorism. He ordered attacks on Bin Laden camps, they almost got him too. Its not like he ignored the guy and to be fair Osama was only emerging as a world wide figure during clintons tenure.

Its pretty easy to lay blame on whoever you want. The thing is it doesnt solve the problem. Only when people understand why a person acts the way they do, can one really act to change that behaviour.

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