
I see more things because Im muslim and I can better understand both sides.

I see this more clearly because I studied the entire region for 4 years straight, day in and day out, stood on their land, mingled with the people, and learned everything possible. I still see it as I did back then, there is NOTHING that we can do to stop it totally, all we can do is stop them from affecting us directly.


No TRUE muslim wants to see innocent people die nor killed.

Edited for truth. The terrorists are extreme muslims, whether you want to admit it or not. They have taken the word of the Quran literally, and just like the Bible it can be twisted into something it was not meant to be. Islam is a very peaceful religion at its roots, but that does not mean that no muslim wants to see innocents dead. The extremists will go to any lengths to kill any American, period, innocent or not.


Well goonz, there were terrorist attacks during the Clinton administration. USS Cole, first WTC bombing in '93, embassy bomings in Africa, etc. Only difference was that the administration & the press was not paying much attention to world wide terrorism.

TourDeForce is correct here. I was an intel analyist under Clinton, and for YEARS we warned of the pending strikes, yet they were ignored. When we got SOLID intel on the location of OBL the intel was sat on for over a week before a single cruise missle was lobbed that direction, missing the target. Everyone surely wants to blame President Bush for everything here, but the fact remains that had Clinton got off his ass when those of us in the military told him to, we would not be sitting in this mess today.


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