Originally posted by Goonz SVT:
Truthfully I hate to say this but its not getting better anytime soon. My future generations will go through what yours will as well, after all we both live in the same planet. All one can hope for is the next administration do SOMTHING that can help the cause. I dont recall the mideast being this hostile nor wars being waged during the Clinton era?! hmm..I dont know, I just dont know what to say..i get depressed talking about

Well goonz, there were terrorist attacks during the Clinton administration. USS Cole, first WTC bombing in '93, embassy bomings in Africa, etc. Only difference was that the administration & the press was not paying much attention to world wide terrorism. Ignore it & it's not a problem, right? WRONG! as we saw on 9/11. GW had done little/nothing differently in the start of his administration as of 9/11. What prompted the terrorists? We sure as hell didn't go after THEM first! IN FACT we were trying to work to give back land for peace in the M.E., and that apparently was not a good enough start.

WTF does the U.S. have to make nice. Clinton & other administrations tried to ignore them & leave them alone & look where that got us. Have the f'in terrorists make nice or wipe them the f out! I'm sick of the, "it's America's fault." mentality. That's a crock of ****. As we speak the children in various muslim countries are being taught in school to hate the U.S., no matter what. So yeah, it won't be getting better any time soon, but whose fault is that?

So much partisan smoke & mirrors & mis-information on this issue it's making me sick!

Frankly, you guys whining about no WMDs is getting old too. Iraq put forth not one, but two declarations to the U.N. of what WMDs & programs they had. I personally think they had WMDs and have posted evidence, news stories, & links to letters from the IAEA to the U.N. security council about elicite programs & materials in and from Iraq. If you don't agree then you should be blaming Iraq & the U.N. for lying, not the U.S.

Must be that jumbly-wumbly thing happening again.