educated manner? half the people in those countries arent educated! Thats another reason why nothing CAN be done. The US honestly hasnt really done much to help the situation either, what did we do after 9/11? Instead of analyzing wtf just happened and why? We were all in a state of shock and then we were told Iraq has WOMD, alright so we bust in there and declare victory and what do we find????? thats right, nothing! all we find is Saddam hiding in a hole, thats all. And also at the time we go looking for Osama and through all the technology and sophiticated sattelite imaging, we cant find him, and its not like it will stop once he's killed. And now look at the mess in Iraq, all out civil war, innocent civillians dying, US marines dying, its just awfull! Nothing is being done!! its just getting worse and worse, and now we have the mid-east crisis.

Truthfully I hate to say this but its not getting better anytime soon. My future generations will go through what yours will as well, after all we both live in the same planet. All one can hope for is the next administration do SOMTHING that can help the cause. I dont recall the mideast being this hostile nor wars being waged during the Clinton era?! hmm..I dont know, I just dont know what to say..i get depressed talking about
