Its not a religious war, they dont want the whole world to be muslim. The extremists are fighting for a cause, you think they are just fighting for the hell of it? like they find it amusing to kill others in the name of God? Theres a reason behind this mess, no one really shows nor explains it in the media because they have the power to control what to tell us. Over here no one is ever told the other side of the story. Its fantics who want the US out of their soil (saudi arabia, Iraq, and Israel out of Palestine) All those muslim countries feel that they are being ruled by the US. Think about it, why is the US in Saudi Arabia? They really have one interest there and you know as well as I do that its the oil. Now the muslims feel that its their oil so the US should not be there guarding it. On to the middle east, the day since Israel was formed, the middle east had been doomed. I mean these poor Palestinians were kicked outa their houses, their holy land and told to go to camps and or seek other shelter just because others formed Israel on THAT land. Now you hear about all the violence that goes on there, when a Palestinian is killed or bombed, they are bombed by weapons that are supplied by the US. The foreign policy of the US HEAVILY favors Israel, that also ticks muslim fanatics off. This current war against Hezbollah, the US was sending ships and ships of bombs and ammunition to Israel! thats def. not gonna sit fly with anyone. When they see their mothers, fathers or sons being killed, they want revenge thus the whole violence cycle..its very very unfortunate for both sides..All this violence makes the muslims feel that they, along with their religion are under attack, so now they all go declare Jihad on innocent victims. This is also lack of education on their part. I go to Pakistan and people there have political cartoons that show our president Musharaf being spoon fed by Bush. And another thing, isnt it ironic that the US supported Osama? Rumsfeld met and shook hands with him, how f**ked up is that huh?!?

Anywho thats what I see through my eyes, I see more things because Im muslim and I can better understand both sides. No muslim wants to see innocent people die nor killed. It is no where in the Quran that go kill people just because you dont agree with them. Truely sad and I myself fear that one day all this will backlash against all Muslims here in the US and we'll be kicked out cause we're all "terrorists". What will become of this world.. All we can do is hope for the better.
