Yeah there are a lot of SVTs in AA. I've spotted Alex, Irda (no idea where he went), some MN guy w/a bosal exhaust, a pre-98 w/SVT exhaust, and many other stock SVTs.

I'll be working up in Ann Arbor so you may see me from time to time. In regards to UofM, I just finished my BS in CMB there. Well, I have one/two more classes to finish, but I'm not planning on going to class very much.

Guy who started this post, what are you studying up there and where are you staying? You bringing the tour up to AA? Let me know if you need parking advice. Parking in Ann Arbor during Fall/Winter term is a interesting experience to say the least!

Jeff, you're married? Chase bank, eh? My buddy had an internship at a Chase bank in downtown.

99 Black Contour SE Sport