Originally posted by Pimpalicious316:
Originally posted by MxRacer:

keep blaming the parents instead of the people that committed the crime.

YOU'RE the MAN!!!!

i'm going to take this one argument at a time so that maybe your retarded brain can compute.

how in the hell does a person killing themselves even remotely relate to a person being killed? they have the same result? so what...so does falling from a skyscraper and being shot in the chest.

and, answer...


I think a more apt comparison is JUMPING from a skyscraper, and being PUSHED.

Skyscraper = parents
Jumped = suicide
Pushed = beat to death

MX and I are saying that if the kid was pushed, it was the pusher that is to blame. According to your argument if the kid were pushed off the skyscraper, it would be the skyscraper's fault for allowing him to be pushed. MX was saying that according to your interpretation, if the kid jumped to his own death, it's still the skyscraper's fault, and the kid bears no responsibility for his own actions.

In your argument, if parents' actions result in a child committing suicide, then the parents are at fault. Your arguments take away ANY and ALL responsibility from the kid (near adult in this case, remember he was 17). It's a cop-out argument trying to place blame rather than accept responsibility.

COULD the parents have handled it differently? Most likely.
SHOULD they have handled it differently? Possibly. We don't know enough to answer that.
DID the parents kill their child? No.
DID the parents' actions cause their child to die? Again, no. Ultimately it was the teen's action that caused his own death. He didn't know that at the time any more than his parents knew he would die in police custody. He still committed the act that ultimately led to his death.

It is unfortunate that it ended this way. But I say again that it is in no way the parents' fault. Acusing them of causing his death is not only irresponsible and accusatory, it's highly insensitive and uncaring.

BrApple-its all in the way it is presented...but everythign on my resume is all me TexasRealtor-I hope you spelling improves on your resume. MxRacer-ladies and gentlemen, welcome to ironyville. population, texasrelator.