Originally posted by Kokopellian:

Pimp, speaking as a parent (my son is only 2.5 years old though), and also having seen my brothers and sister do the same thing to my mother. Sometimes the police need to be called. Especially if a crime has been committed. Borrowing the car you call it? It's stealing, period. I guess if he had "borrowed" money out of the mom's purse it would have been okay too? Your situation coming up was entirely different. Sounds like you had a great relationship with your mom. My mother raised us by herself. She was a disciplinarian but, teens tend to rebel and do what they want when they want. Just because it's the parent that's falling victim to the crime doesn't mean it's not a crime. Say the kid stole the family friend's car, would that be different? Kids have to be taught that there are consequences to their actions. Also, I've seen the type of behavior that the teen in the story exhibited first hand. I can tell you, it was NO picnic for my mother to call the cops on her kids. To this day she still pains over the decision. I'm sure it's the same for any good parent. They're not "relying" on the law to discipline their kids at all in these type of situations.

i 100% respect that point of view. sometimes things get so out of hand, the police MUST be called. but we have NO evidence of that whatsoever. granted it seems stupid for the parents to get police involved for 1 incident, we have nothing else to go by. making assumptions is what i am trying to argue here. everyone is making assumptions in the negative direction (he had a bad history). i have no problem with a parent calling the police, but we only have knowledge of what we are told. he stole the car and they called the cops. seems a bit excessive to me. but what do i know, i'm just an armchair quarterback (my opinions and views dont matter).


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