Originally posted by Stazi:
snip...If this ever happens, kiss your asses goodbye cos the Jihad that Al Qaede ad other muslim extremists want, would begin in way you could not imagine. snip

Tell those pansy assed punks to bring it! I'm tired of this Middle Eastern conflict crap and the threat of extremists and terrorists. Send Allah M'F'N terrorist to my house. I just picked up another 1000 rounds and am ready. I even had Mrs. Trapps at the range last week, with a law officer friend, getting into form.

I wonder if the government has terrorist hit squads - here on US soil? I'd like to join in the fun. Allah, Allah, BANG! BANG!

As for Israel and everything/everyone else over there I say screw them all; let them kill each other. Eventually, like a group of dogs does, they'll sort it out themselves.

Bring ALL of our troops home give them a month off and then set up a border guard unlike any other - ring the whole F'n country with well rested and pissed off military personnel. I want to see loads of automatic weapons in our airports and other public venues. I'm sorry if racial profiling upsets people. It works. Use it to keep the bastards at bay - you know they'd use any means available to get at us.

/irrational, unsupported rant off

Semper Fi "They've got us surrounded. Poor bastards." -Chesty