Can only live at home so long before it's time to move on. I milked it going to a CC for the first 2 years but then I felt it was time to move on. Couldn't really help it eaither since my folks live in BFE and no where near a 4 year school. I'm guessing that's your situation. I worked my ass off all summer and collected unemployment all winter since my summer job was seasonal. I felt bad doing it but it got me through school. I'd have to drive home on weekends in the fall to get 2 12 hour days in as well. Student loans helped a lot too. I'm taking it in the pooper now. I also worked on campus for Grand Valley during the year. I guess if you called it work. So that plus unemployment allowed me $ for car payments and food etc.

In addition:
Also buying a trailer in Allendale Meadows etc. was dirt cheap. My g/f's dad bought a trailer. My g/f, her brother, her brother's g/f and I paid rent. I don't think my g/f and her brother paid though. LOL! I think my rent was like $200 a month. Not bad for full access to his daughter. LOL! Still don't know how I swung that one. Anywho sell the trailer upon graduation and recoup your fees. I knew a lot of guys that did this.

-'96 SE MTX 3L -'98 SVT 1,173 of 6,535 -'05 Mazda 6s, loaded, g/f's ride -Need a 96-00 manual on CD? PM or email me