Originally posted by Coolkuehl3:
Originally posted by Buddy Palumbo:
The torque at the head of the wrench , is the torque at the head of the wrench whether the handle is 6 inches or 60 inches .

I have to disagree with you on this thought. The formula for torque is T = F x L. T = Torque, F = Force, L = Length. The length is the distance from the center of the socket to the end or grip of the handle. Therefore solving for T and leaving everything the same but changing L will give you different answers.

Example 1. F = 15, L = 16
T = 15*16
T = 240

Example 2. F = 15, L = 8
T = 15*8
T = 120

Example 3. F = 15, L = 24
T = 15*24
T = 360

Yes, but that's not how a torque wrench works. The torque wrench stops torquing whenever the torque exerted at the head exceeds whatever is dialed in. Put a 10' extension on it if you want, it will still stop at the same torque spec, it'll just be really easy for you to exert that force.

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