Well I was at my uncle Bob's tonight getting my drivers side wheel bearing fixed when I mentioned that I couldn't stand how hazy my headlights were, even after wetsanding (I think the problem was that I used a cheap-o plastic polish) so he pulled out a clean shop rag, some Bon Ami, dampened the cloth after pouring the Bon Ami on it, and began scrubbing my lights, like magic, the hazing went away! They aren't completely clear yet, but they are so close the PlastX I bought will clean them up to looking like new, it even smoothed out some roughness in small spots I had missed. If someone is afraid to wetsand their lights, a cheaper fix might be to do this (be sure to use Bon Ami, it's very very fine powder, not like Ajax or other such cleaners) and then polish. Good luck.

'99 Spruce Green SE "Sport" 'Tour, 2.5L MTX...80K and running like it just rolled off the lot. Tryin' to add an extra .5L ASAP