Originally posted by 96RedSE5Sp:
Originally posted by Jeb Hoge:
Originally posted by todras:
Double U tee eff?

BANGKOK, Thailand - A former American school teacher said publicly Thursday that he was with JonBenet Ramsey when she died in what he called "an accident," a stunning admission after a decade without answers in the 6-year-old girl's murder. But the suspect's ex-wife said she was with him in Alabama at the time of JonBenet's 1996 death.

Place your bets...

My guess is that he, through one way or another, got a fascination with the kid and he tried to kidnap her. And somewhere along the line, he accidentally killed her, and then fled the country.

I 'm calling BS on the whole thing.

My guess is that he's a screwed up pedophille psychopath who got fascinated with the kid and fantasizes about her and that he actually had nothing to do with the murder.

This investigation was botched from day one and if some wacko is willing to claim responsibility, the Boulder PD will be more than willing to let the guy take the fall for it - whether or not he did it.

Good point. At any rate, I'd be more than glad to never hear of this again.

"Think of it, if you like, as a librarian with a G-string under the tweed." Clarkson on the Mondeo.