Why are you asking? The social life of college is quite different than educational/future income reesons for attending college.

I'd be earning less than half what I make now if I didn't get my BS engineering degree. From a financial standpoint, average college educated people earn more. How much? Every study is different. Even some people in this thread say they (or someone they know) earned what they thought was good money w/o the degree, but later went back to get promoted or increase earnings even more. Get a good degree and deal with the crap/boredom/hard work. Financially, you'll be better off in the future.

Now, if you aren't happy with the current program/degree/college, change. There are a lot of options out there that can change your experience during the 4-5 years. But the sonner you are done, the sooner you go from $10/hr to $25+/hr.

Last edited by APT; 08/17/06 04:52 PM.