Originally posted by ZoomZoom Diva:
I loved my college experience both when I was there and looking back.

I see three keys to enjoying college
1) Live on campus at least one year. You don't get as immersed in the wonderful college life any other way.
2) Take classes and activities which will broaden your mind and your experience. It will give lifelong benefite.
3) Get involved in activities and social events. Again, it broadens your mind and is a LOT of fun. I miss my fame/notoriety I had in college.

Excellent advice. Although I commuted for 1.5 years, living on campus my first two years of college definitely allowed me to network with a wonderful group of people. These networks have actually expanded since I've graduated, now that friends have roommates in town (still undergrads) that are equally awesome.

4 year B.S. in Management Information Systems at WPI in Worcester, MA. (it's pronounced "wooster" for all you nonlocals!) Had my ups and my downs, including summer courses and changing my major. About the only thing I would change was to have gotten involved in clubs. I didn't do so until my senior year and by then it was too late (since working + school = no time to begin with)!

I sorely miss the college life, though a bunch of my friends moved to the Boston area and I'm able to hang out regularly with them as well as my friends in Worcester since I essentially live in both places now. Got a good entry-level job with Fidelity Investments, which was influenced largely by project work I did with the company through my school. I plan to go back for my masters,' but am going to wait a year or so before considering it.