Originally posted by cjbaldw:

I've seen studies both ways in regard to the value of a college education. I've seen studies that show a correlation between a higher income and advanced education, particularly in professional careers of course, that require advanced education (doctors, lawyers, engineering, etc.).

You got it! Professional careers are where the payoff is. If your majoring in liberal arts I wish you luck, you will need a masters degree in order to find work and that 6yrs of education may not pay off in the end as you may well be finding your employement in retail sales or just a very low paying job.

On the other hand you take Accountants , Doctors, Engineers, Lawyers, and Scientists and they are guranteed to be making good money out of college as their is a tremendous need in our society for these disciplines.

Money doesn't always bring happiness. People with ten million dollars are no happier than people with nine million dollars ~ Hobart Brown