Originally posted by frenchblueC2:
yep, pretty much hated it.
It was enough to make me never want to go back, even for a graduate/masters degree.
I burned myself out, and do not want to ever have to type an essay ever again.
I barely retained any of the information either.

Learning through experience ftw

I'm with Kim. I probably should go back for a Master's but just can't stomach the thought of it.

My degree is basically useless except to put on a resume. BS University of Utah 1997. Paid my own way, lived at home, commuted to campus and held down a job.

Not super fun. Also, not a typical College experience. My wife loved College, and her sister is there now and LOVES it, can't wait to get back! I think they are nuts!

That being said, it does help you in the employment world, especially if you get a useful degree. You won't regret sticking it out and finishing with a degree.

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