I did not claim it was. I simply said if the average person gives up soda even without excercise will drop some weight. With a small cardio workout 4 times a week the weight will fall off pretty damn quick. And i do agree sugar has to be the worse ingrediant in soda.

The main choices out there on dieting would be what?

carb diet, you lose the weight but comes back soon as you stop.

protein diet, personally haven't tried it but if you have the time to spend in the gym probably would work great.

starving yourself, i like to eat so this really isn't the answer for me or anyone else for that matter since your body needs the nutrients to survive.

rabit food, once again this diet doesn't give your body all the nutrients it needs.

Or look at this way i would say that some people easily take in their daily percentage of calories in soda alone not to mention the 2-3 meals they are going to eat. Best way to lose weight fast and keep it off. Cut out the simply things soda, candy, coffee, and foods that have alot of saturated fat. Eat small portions every 2-3 hours this will keep your body thinkin it is hungry so it will continue to burn stored fat. and 3-4 times a week spend at least 30 minutes doin some kind of cardio workout.