Originally posted by Fmr12B:
Atkins diet,

the leaner the meat you eat the faster you will lose weight.

15lbs in a month is very doable.

But it sounds like you are also very out of shape. You will need to increas your cardio in order to get through Basic. Ensure you can do 10 good push-ups before you start Basic and you will be OK. If not they will bounce you out of Basic and into a 4-week or longer fat-camp.

Everyone is different. I started my own Atkins type diet at 235 lbs. I ate 3 double cheeseburgers without the buns every day at mcdonalds. In 3months I was 178 lbs. ZERO EXCERCISE. I suprised a lot of people. A lot of fatass haters too. "its unhealthy" blah blah. Its a lot more unhealthier to be a fatass

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