Originally posted by jlanger:
You could lose 15 pounds in 5 days if you'd like here's how
Tricks I learned wrestling, NCAA style!

fighters almost always do nothing but lose water weight, that they gain back within a 30 minute period. and if you're losing weight but you can't sleep because you're so hungry, that's BAD NEWS. you don't want to start boot camp malnourished, and they want you to drop the weight for a reason, don't cheat the system.

I'd say the "eat small, eat often" works well. eat as soon as you wake up, but not for 2-3 hours before sleeping. go for a run (1-2 miles, pace depends on your fitness level, but PUSH yourself, really push) a couple times a day, like 2, 3 if you can handle it. situps wont do squat because they're a muscle building exercise and in 30 days you wont build enough muscle to burn fat by doing situps.

on that note, pushups, pullups, squats, any kind of weight lifting would be a great addition to the cardio/diet changes. one pound of muscle takes 30x more calories to maintain than one pound of fat, so if you start building muscle it kind of snowballs.

what branch are you trying to join?

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