You could lose 15 pounds in 5 days if you'd like here's how
Tricks I learned wrestling, NCAA style!

1. Eat very little, I always went by the wieght of my food for the last few days of my weight loss regiment.

2. Watch your water intake. Ice cubes and popsicles are your friends.

3. Workout Workout Workout x3 When I was in wrestling trim I would work out in the morning for 60 minutes on a treadmill/bike/stair climber etc. Do a 2 hour practice, then jog up and down the dorm stairs (6 stories), in a sauna suit for about 30 minutes before going to bed.

4. Last day don't drink or eat anything, if you still need to lose some weight, get out the good old sauna suit, warm up the lockerroom sauana throw in a stationary bike and bike for about 30 minutes (or jog, do jumping jacks etc.) even sitting in the suana with all that crap on will lose somethin, You should lose about 3-5 pounds.

5. If you're really desperate, spit all the time, you'll lose a pound or two just doing that.

6. The last night, you will not be able to sleep, all you'll be thinking about is food an water, this is where ice cubes can come in handy, as you can suck on a few trays of cubes and you won't really gain much weight.

7. Do not combine this regime with creatine, ephidren or any other supplement/metabolizer, that really makes things dangerous as they tend to dehydrate your body even more then you're already doing so.

Now I can't say enough that looking back this was extremely stupid for me to do at that time. So take this all with extreme caution, one thing when I was wrestling I was in extremely good shape, if your not in good shape, this will be much more difficult as your metabolism won't be able to burn fat/water as easily as one who is.
Also one last thing, you will gain all this weight back very quickly if you cut your weight this way, you're mostly losing water weight. So it comes back fairly quickly.

'03 Protege 5 MTX '02 Mazda Protege LX MTX former owner of: 96 Contour GL 2.5 ATX