Originally posted by Pete D:
Originally posted by muntus:

No, a victory for the terrorists would have been blowing up a plane. Arresting them is a victory for the free world.

Is it really? The goal of terrorism is to inflict terror, it isn't just about a body count, but it is very psychological. If all they were concerned about was body count, do you think they would have chosen this route? Or even what they did on 9/11. Not even close.

Even though the plan of the bombings was not carried out, they still won, because all over the West the sheep in our societies are watching their news and trembling in fear over the thought of these attacks.

They create terror through death. Terror without death is not their goal. If indeed terror, even without death, was their ultimate goal(which it isn't), they would all study computer programming, acquire jobs in every sector they could, and unleash an electronic assault in order to shut down communications, banking, internet, and power grids. That would inflict more terror than blowing up planes.

So why the samll scale terror(blowing up planes instead of shutting down the continent)? Their ultimate goal is to kill the infidels. Terror is a nice by-product.

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