Originally posted by ZoomZoom Diva:
I see profiling as ineffective and easily circumvented. The first thing they would do is suddenly recruit people who don't look that way.

That would at least buy us time. At best, we'd get air travel that is as well policed as those flying in/out of Israel. Muslim terrorists would love to bring one of those down, yet it rarely happens. Seems they're doing something right, so I suspect your supposition of ineffectiveness is inaccurate.

Originally posted by ZoomZoom Diva:
Considering the number of terrorists compared to the number of middle eastern males (even if terrorists are truly a subset), you're going to piss off and alienate a lot of innocent people. The difference in probability is not statistically significant.

Tough. Don't like it? Stop Muslim extremists. We didn't start by singling them out, it would be the reaction to extremist terrorism if we did so. Blame THEM, not us. If it pisses them off enough to not want to come here, great. Problem solved.

Must be that jumbly-wumbly thing happening again.