Originally posted by Wien_Sean:
Originally posted by TourDeForce:
Originally posted by Wien_Sean:
Originally posted by Pre98:
Better crazy than dead, no?

... it is crazy stupid and I doubt that it is saving any lives. Foiling would-be terrorist plots makes us safer, taking away coke bottles and making parents taste their baby's formula is just a waste of time and a giant circle jerk.

I think it likely will save lives, but you would be spared a LOT of the inconvenience if authorities could profile. BUT NOOOOOOOO, that might hurt somebodys feelings! It wouldn't be fair to target muslim men & women. waaahhhh!!!

Thank a liberal - then kick 'em in their P.C. junk.

Profiling is racism pure and simple. Just because someone fits the racial profile of a criminal is not reasonable suspicion for any one to stop, search, or arrest that person. It's not about hurting someone's feelings; it is about being fair and just. It is proven innocent until proven guilty and race, religion, or ethnic background proves nothing.

Let's think of it this way. What if we were to build a racial profile based on Tim McVeigh; an American, white, Christian, Male? So anyone who fits that profile would (I am assuming you would fit at least part of this profile.) be scrutinized more than anyone else, based on nothing but these four factors that have nothing to do with any real evidence against them. I call that shoddy and lazy police work, along with being an antiquated racist idea.

Are you kidding me? What a bunch of bunk. You seem to suggest that we cannot be suspicious of ME males unless we have some sort of history on them of previous SUICIDAL acts of terror? GET REAL!!

If TM types were going to the middle east & blowing up mosques or foreign airliners, yes, profile the **** out of AWC males in the ME. Makes it kinda easy to filter out the evil doers when they mix in to a population that makes them fairly easy to spot. Same applies here, and nobody is getting their rights taken away. If they have no contriband they would be sent on their way. We're simply focusing efforts based on specific known criteria to protect them as well as the remainder of a population that is far less likely to commit acts of terror. All of a sudden, because a racial component is being applied, rational thought & application of scientific methods & mathmatical probabilities is bad?

Frankly Tim M is a bad example: If TM types were the root of terrorism & I was being seached every time I flew on a plane because of profiling for people like TM, I'd feel good about flying because all TM types were being scrutinized & that makes it far less likely that I or my family would die. Inconvenient? Yes. Discriminatory? Yes. Racist? I think not. My right to travel in safety has not been taken away. We're protected against unreasonable searches, but since the primary responsibility of government is the safety of its citizens, this is a reasonable precaution IMHO. They are not being sought out, they have the choice not to fly, if they wish it - & they won't be searched.

PC has gone too far when it trumps & interferres with common sense precautions to keep my family safe. When I fly on a plane, you bet your *** I watch any ME men like a freakin' hawk. Do I make them feel uncomfortable when I do that? Possibly. Too ******* bad.

Must be that jumbly-wumbly thing happening again.