Originally posted by Pre98:
Better crazy than dead, no?

I am flying back to the US on the 22nd of this month. I am going to be pissed if they have put similar restrictions on carry on baggage as they have in the UK. The knee jerk measures taken by Britian's transit athourity are rediculas. Basically you cannot carry anything on the plane. I am sure the airlines are really happy about this, the only place you can get a drink is to buy it on the plane now since you can't take anything with you, can't listen or watch anything but what they give since you can't take any electronics with you, and since you are taking that stuff with you anyway they will gladly throw all that would-be carry-on baggage in the hold for a reasonable fee. No this is no crzay safe, it is crazy stupid and I doubt that it is saving any lives. Foiling would-be terrorist plots makes us safer, taking away coke bottles and making parents taste their baby's formula is just a waste of time and a giant circle jerk.

1999 Contour SE Duratec ATX My feet and the Stra�Ÿenbahn http://www.tempo-topaz-performance.com/topazsho/ the coolest Topaz ever! To bad it's not mine