Originally posted by sigma:
Originally posted by YaaaarrroTour:
I just talked to my cousin who was flying home from his summer in Europe, for school. He was scheduled to fly out of Heathrow and originally was on one of the planes that was supposedly targeted! This [censored]'s a little more emotional for me went it hits this close to home. I hope they torture these [censored] and then put them on life support to keep them alive!

It would be difficult to be on a "supposedly targetted" flight since no fights were yet targetted. Certainly not ones that someone could be on right now since this thing was still in its' planning stages.

Didn't they say that one of the hijackers had already made his adios mf's video? Sounds like it was more than a dry run.

"Eagles may soar high, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."