Originally posted by elraido:
Originally posted by chemguru:
Originally posted by m4gician:
are you talking about the one foiled in the UK? Because once CNN gets a hold of this, they'll be all over saying how FIRST OF ALL the UK is an unsafe TERRORIST BREEDING GROUND and that the threat to the US is COMPLETELY POSSIBLE AND PROBABLE!!! (God i hate CNN and that stupid Wolf BLitzer)

Oh, like FoxNews is any better. If you want accurate and unbiased news, check BBC or NPR.

NPR!?!?!? They are about a left as you can get.

Their programming is certainly left of center, but their news reporting is as unbiased as you will find.

Dueling Duratecs '95 SE V6 MTX 0 Mods '04 Mazda6 S Wagon '03 Kawasaki Z1000 But thus do I counsel you, my friends: distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful! Friedrich Nietzsche