The one I got for $10 is a ABC extinguisher, meaning I could use it on any type of fire. I figure it is good to have incase I came across a fire, or something like a seat caught fire. Keep in mind with a BC extinguisher (as the chrome ones are), you could only put out gas or electrical fires. Something simple like a short in a seat that sets upolstry on fire can't be put out by a BC; you'll just stand there and watch it burn. The big difference is ABC dry chem is harder to clean up then BC chem, but after a fire, I'd just be glad I had the means to put it out. $10 is a very good investment and could very well save someone else's, or your own life. Just keep that in mind the differnce between $10 and $70+ for something that sits in your trunk...

[color:"green"]-Matt R

'99 Tropic Green LX, Zetec, ATX