Originally posted by Rayn:
I am trying to deafen anyone who rides in my car with heart seizing bass!

Originally posted by Rayn:

I want to wow more with sound and not really trinkets (I haven't made it to that level of whoring yet) in the trunk next to my daughters stroller...

Please, please PLEASE tell me you do not play your system even moderately loud with your daughter in the car. Young children's hearing is so much more sensitive than ours and so much more susceptible to damage from loud noises.

Sounds like your hearing is starting to go already if you're going to these lengths and have a goal to "deafen anyone who rides in my car with heart seizing bass". Listen responsibly. Do NOT play your system like that while driving around. If you're in a controled environment like at a show or something and people are stupid enough to sit in the car "for a moment" and risk their own hearing, so be it. But do not even think of doing that to your daughter.

Bob Johann SoundQ SVT 1998 T-Red SVT Contour #3088 2001 IASCA Pro Street 1-600 Champion 2002 SLAP Pro Street 1-600 Champion 2002 MECA SQL Master Class Champion 2003 IASCA StreetX 1-600 Champion 2005 SLAP Expert Street Champion