Originally posted by IRingTwyce:
I have just three words for you.




"I want my two dollars!" FTMFW!!!!

OK...so it's not the best movie ever made, but it is my absolute favorite movie ever!

T2 Hydra? C'mon. It was pretty good and all, as far as sequels go, but it can't touch the original. Better one liners, "I'll be back!" Better story ultimately, and Arnold was so much closer to his Mr. Universe physique during the original. Plus, he was the good guy in T2. He's much better as the evil robot (although Robert Patrick did a fine job too).

TR - When it comes to Monty Python movies, I personally prefer Life of Brian to The Holy Grail. Maybe it comes from being a preacher's kid, and the whole insane blasphemous nature of the movie. It's hard to beat a bunch of guys being crucified and singing, "Always look on the bright siiiiide of life!" And don't forget the Roman who had the name "Incontinentia Buttocks"

"Bigus Dikus"

Ok, Blazing Saddles, Pink Panther(Peter Sellers) and Mad Max(undubbed).

"Eagles may soar high, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines."