I believe that the extra services they consume (particularly the $8000+ a year for 12 or 13 years) as enough public investment into our future and enough subsidization of parents. Giving them tax breaks so they don't even pay their fair share towards society is just excessive.

You chose to have children, nobody forced it on you, so don't force the expense on me. If you can't afford to raise them without discriminatory tax breaks, then you shouldn't be having them in the first place.

Everybody should pay the same percentage of his or her income in taxes regardless of any demographic measure.

That doesn't even get into how I'm forced to put up with people's screaming brats anywhere I go. They don't even discipline them or shut them up or take them outside if they're being obnoxious. If I misbehave, I'm thrown out. Parents should be required to keep their children decently behaved or get thrown out. If I ever thought about acting the way some of these brats behave in stores, I would have been dead.

Brad "Diva": 2004 Mazda 6s 5-door, Volcanic Red Rex: 1988 Mazda RX-7 Vert, Harbor Blue.