Originally posted by spgoode:

Where is the reluctant admittance? I wouldn't consider Einstein's off-hand references to god while describing certain phonomenon, as admittance that looking to a higher power was the only answer to questions not yet answered.

Read more; Einstein and others have made more than just passing references to some "Higher Power" possibly having a hand in the design of things...

Of course many scientists dance around the topic to a degree as unquestioned "faith" in science can be the everlasting carrot in front of the donkey (much in the same light that unquestioned faith in religion is); if one can keep postulating and theorizing, then one does NOT have to admit the possibility of a completely external force having an active part in the creation of the world as we know it, even when the gathered evidence constantly points to the miraculous.

Originally posted by spgoode:
What I'm looking for is a statement like, "our ability to explain the origins of the universe are limited in these areas and can only be explained by injecting a higher power into the equation.

The fallacy there is that the more we discover, the less limited our explainations are, so you will not find that statement uttered. What you will find is that some of the brightest minds in science have stated that mere chance and random events are not a logical or sufficient explaination for creation or how evolution has progressed homo sapiens vs. other species in the animal kingdom and that some sort of "designer" could be the likely explaination, given that all of them are incomplete at best.

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