Whoever is a non-believer answer me this:

How does your science explain the spark of life? What is it that turns a mass of molecules to a living organism in any form?

I am Catholic, but I also understand that science & the quest for knowlege can re-inforce or conflict the teachings that I have learned. Similarly, any scientist must accept truth when his theories are de-bunked. Learning does not stop when the sermon is over, but rather a new world of knowlege opens.

I think evolution is real, and that it happens faster or slower than science may imagine depending on the species & the environmental conditions that require adaptation from that species.

Yet I retain my faith.

One can live in the brave new world, yet respect & honor the traditions of faith. One side calling the other stupid because they don't have the answer to 'this question or that', is nothing but destructive & errodes the respect & dignity each demands. Live, & let live.

Peace, baby!

Must be that jumbly-wumbly thing happening again.