Originally posted by Mr. Hightower FTW:

Who is saying you are wrong for believing what you believe? I think they are just stating that there might be flaws in the "theories". You, on the other hand, choose to get personal and call them hypocrites.

Why not get personal? People attack my religious beliefs everyday, I take that personal.

FWIW I don't even believe in creationism. I believe in the combination theory, which I thought of myself (not saying I am the only one, just that I didn't subscribe to another person's theory, rather thought it up on my own) where God created evolution. I do, however, have the decency to respect people's beliefs who DO believe in strict creationism; a trait that many here can't claim as one of their own.

The replies here are perfect examples. Strict belivers of creationism are called "Kooks," and labeled ignorant fools because they think differently than scientists. Scientists can be wrong folks, they have been in the past, and will in the future. Hell, I am sure some things that we hold to be 100% truths today are going to be proven false tomorrow. Remember when the Earth was flat??? How about the SCIENTISTS that said the Sun revolved around the Earth???


You really need to understand the word "freedom" because it also applies to thought. Feel free to start thinking.

So I guess thats another one of your not personal, personal attacks that I shouldn't take personally huh? But wait, according to you, I was attacking people personally huh? No wait, I didn't say any names, unlike how you are.

I have the freedome to think however I want, and express any opinion I want within reason.

"Moore has also accused the American people of being the stupidest, most naive people on the face of the Earth. And after last weekend, he's got the box office numbers to prove it!"