
Who is saying you are wrong for believing what you believe? I think they are just stating that there might be flaws in the "theories". You, on the other hand, choose to get personal and call them hypocrites.

You really need to understand the word "freedom" because it also applies to thought. Feel free to start thinking.

Theories? So you think theres a hole in the theory of gravity?
I can't understand why the vast majority of science accepts the basics of biological evolution just as sound as gravity, relativitly, etc. but just because this doesn't agree with a story in the bible it isn't sound science.
Mind you I am a practicing catholic, democrat btw (who's going to hell for voting for Kerry lol).
If you want to beleive that creationism is the real deal then fine go ahead, that's fine, go teach your kids at home (or a parachial school that doesn't teach evolution) and we'll be fine.

'03 Protege 5 MTX '02 Mazda Protege LX MTX former owner of: 96 Contour GL 2.5 ATX