Originally posted by Klasse Act:
First off congrats on a GREAT turnout

I guess I was the only one who didn't show up, well atleast JD represented for me and I promise not to turn into one of those "old school" CEG-ers who seem to never show up, although it appears its lookin' that way (except for the Downriver Cruize )

I can't believe there was FOUR green CSVTs Also Amravs Mystique is really nice, always has been and likely always will be His car is something I should look into for a Regal replacement Anyways, nice to see all those with projectors too, damn! Now for the important questions...

-How many cars were there
-Was there any accidents or "incidents"

Once again, GREAT meet guys and I predict the "End of Summer" bash will net us FIFTY CARS because of this turnout

roger, that's a good question.......i don't anyone actually took a count!!! lol there were a couple people that left right after we were done eating. they were parked in the other parking lot, there was a black and a silfro. and there were FOUR green csvt's...cinder came but left b/c he saw rain and wasn't familiar with the area (sorry, i don't know your name!!)

*~Bonnie~* 2000 CSVT, Amazon Green, built 2/?/00 135K and counting!!!!
Originally posted by Kremithefrog:
CSVT, because like an orphan, someone has to take care of them.