Originally posted by frenchblueC2:
I think I saw the article this morning in the NH newspaper.
I didn't get to read the whole thing because it wasn't my paper, but I'm pretty sure it said he was cliff diving into some water and got sucked up into a whirlpool.

Yup that's him. They misspelled his last name. The kids they interviewed were Manchvegas locals - witnesses to the entire ordeal.

Article (Found three so far, this was the most detailed one)

He was quite the adventurer, but not necessarily a daredevil. I was surprised (though at the same time not) to read the cliffjumping tidbit in the article. I spent the majority of today hanging out with a bunch of our friends. The funeral will be in his hometown near Syracuse, NY.

It's still shocking. Out of most of my friends who always plan plan plan to do things, he's one of the few who actually went and did them. Once you met the guy, you couldn't help but like him - I don't think he had an enemy or even negative acquaintance out of anybody he met.

Jack had a tendency to tell white lies, which I heard may have contributed to the crucial moments, in a boy-who-cried-wolf manner. Though he had never done anything strictly of that sort before (boy-who-cried-wolf I mean), the fact that he's a physically strong guy may have incited initial disbelief. From what I heard, it took a few critical moments (not long, but long enough) for his friends to realize he was not joking. One of them jumped in the water to get him but was dragged into the whirlpool himself. Locals got some rope and saved him but couldn't help Jack before he fell unconscious.